Google's $2.7B to Rehire AI Star Shazeer

Mark Chepelyuk
September 28, 2024
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In a stunning move that underscores the fierce competition for artificial intelligence expertise, Google has inked a $2.7 billion deal primarily aimed at rehiring former employee and AI luminary Noam Shazeer. This astronomical figure highlights the immense value placed on top-tier AI talent in today's tech landscape, where companies are willing to make unprecedented financial commitments to secure the brightest minds in the field.

The Shazeer Factor

Noam Shazeer isn't just another tech hire; he's a game-changer. As co-author of the seminal paper "Attention is All You Need," Shazeer's work laid the foundation for the current generative AI revolution. His expertise is seen as crucial for Google's ambitious Gemini AI project, positioning him as a linchpin in the company's AI strategy.

Strategic Licensing: A New Talent Acquisition Model

Rather than a full acquisition, Google's deal with, Shazeer's company, takes the form of a licensing agreement. This approach allows Google to access both Shazeer's expertise and's technology without the complexities of a complete buyout. It's a trend mirrored by other tech giants, such as Microsoft's $650 million deal with Inflection, which brought on board AI experts Mustafa Suleyman and Karen Simonyan.

The 'Star Quarterback' Phenomenon

The current AI talent market draws parallels to professional sports, with top experts commanding salaries and deals akin to star athletes. These individuals are seen as potential game-changers, capable of developing products worth billions and shifting entire market dynamics. The scarcity of such talent intensifies the competition, with major tech firms and startups alike vying for a limited pool of experts.

Looking Ahead: The Future of AI Talent Acquisition

While the demand for elite AI talent is currently at fever pitch, experts predict this intense competition may cool in the coming years as the technology matures. However, for the foreseeable future, companies will continue to employ creative and financially significant strategies to secure the best minds in AI.

Actionable Takeaways:

  1. Consider innovative talent acquisition strategies, such as licensing deals, to attract top AI experts without full company acquisitions.
  2. Invest in developing internal AI talent to reduce reliance on high-cost external hires in the long term.
  3. Stay agile in recruitment approaches, as the AI talent landscape is likely to evolve rapidly in the coming years.
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